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Finance & Administration

The Finance and Administration Department at the Nurses and Midwives Council of Malawi is responsible for overseeing key functions related to financial management and administrative operations. This department plays a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and effective functioning of the council.

Table of Contents

The main functions of the Finance and Administration Department

Overseeing Financial Issues

The department is responsible for the overall management and oversight of all financial matters within the council. This includes monitoring financial transactions, ensuring compliance with financial policies and procedures, and safeguarding the council’s financial resources.

Budget Development, Monitoring, and Reporting

The department facilitates the development of the council’s budget, ensuring that financial resources are allocated appropriately to support the council’s activities. They monitor budget execution, track expenditures, and prepare regular financial reports to provide accurate and timely information on the council’s financial performance.

Financial Management Support

The department provides financial management support to other departments within the council. This involves assisting with financial planning, budgeting, and forecasting, as well as providing guidance on financial policies and procedures to ensure sound financial practices are followed throughout the organization.

Coordination of Accounts and Administrative Operations

The department coordinates the daily operations related to accounts and administrative matters. This includes managing financial records, processing payments, coordinating payroll activities, and overseeing general administrative tasks to ensure smooth functioning of the council.

Staff Recruitment, Training, and Appraisals

The department is responsible for coordinating and conducting staff recruitment processes within the council. They also facilitate staff training and development initiatives to enhance skills and competencies. Additionally, the department manages the staff appraisal system, ensuring performance evaluations are conducted regularly and fairly.

Procurement Facilitation

The department facilitates the procurement process for the council, ensuring that goods and services are acquired in a transparent and efficient manner. This involves managing procurement activities, adhering to procurement regulations, and maintaining proper documentation throughout the procurement cycle.

Management of Fixed Assets and IT Equipment

The department is responsible for managing the council’s fixed assets and IT equipment. This includes maintaining an updated inventory, ensuring proper asset tracking, managing repairs and maintenance, and overseeing the disposal of assets when necessary.

Sources of Finance

Government Subventions

Such sums as may be appropriate by Parliament for the purposes of the Council

Fees Payable

  • Upon registration or renewal of registration in a register.
  • On transfer from one register to another
  • For restoration to a register
  • For registration of an additional or specialist qualification
  • In respect of private practice
  • In respect of licenses
  • Annual Registration
  • Verification
  • Indexing
  • Professional examination fees
  • Sale of Policy documents
  • Accreditation of training colleges

Rentals from Office Accommodation

The Council receives such moneys from tenants who occupy part of the Councils building on a monthly basis.

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